Syria UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The UNESCO Sites in Syria have recognized 6 cultural and natural landmarks as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Syria, along with 12 locations on the Syria UNESCO tentative list. These tourist sites in Syria are celebrated for their unique and valuable cultural, natural, artistic, and historical significance and are preserved for future generations.

UNESCO tentative list:

In addition to the previous cultural sites, as we mentioned before, Syria has a tentative list (an inventory of those properties that each State Party intends to consider for nomination) of other sites worthy of visiting, including the following places:

1. Noréas de Hama.
2. Ugarit (Tell Shamra)
3. Ebla (Tell Mardikh)
4. Mari (Tell Hariri)
5. Dura Europos.
6. Apamée (Afamia)
7. Un Château du désert : Qasr al-Hayr ach-Charqi.
8. Maaloula.
9. Tartus : la cité-citadelle des Croisés
10. Raqqa-Ràfiqa : la cité abbasside
11. L’île d’Arwad
12. Mari & Europos-Dura sites of Euphrates Valley

So in conclusion, Syria was and still is one of the richest countries in history which was passed by a bunch of civilizations that left their marks across the land.

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