American travelers in Syria

Americans can Travel to Syria now!

Historically, the guidelines and regulations surrounding American travel to Syria have undergone significant changes. In the past, the policy governing the journey to this Middle Eastern nation followed a distinct set of rules. It’s essential to delve into the previous framework to understand the context of how the landscape for American travelers to Syria has evolved over time.

To read about our tour to Syria click here

Former guidelines regarding travel to Syria for American citizens

Under previous policy frameworks, American citizens faced stringent restrictions and advisories when considering travel to Syria. The U.S. Department of State issued comprehensive travel warnings, highlighting the complex geopolitical situation and potential security risks within the region.

During the global lockdown the US Administration introduced a new law blocking all Syrians from entering the USA. The Syrian government retaliated and blocked all Americans from visiting Syria.

Americans in Syria

Can Americans travel to Syria now?

Yes, after working to revitalize the tourism sector in Syria, it has become possible for Americans to travel to Syria. The procedures for obtaining a visa take a period of time ranging between 3-5 weeks.

To read the US advisory on travel to Syria click here.

Is it safe for Americans to visit Syria?

Syrian people are extremely friendly and very much differentiate between American people in Syria and the American government and its actions towards Syria.

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